Alex Auto Repair, LLC

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(859) 644-4867

Mon - Fri / Sat

09:00AM - 07:00PM / 4:30PM

Auto Repair Winchester

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      certified technicians

      The Service you
      can trust.
      El Servicio que
      usted puede confiar.

      Vehicle Courtesy Check

      We can give you a FREE courtesy check about your vehicle so you can know the general condition of your car. This check takes no more than 20 minutes.

      Tu puedes acceder a una revisión gratuita de tu vehículo para saber la condición general del mismo, esta revisión no toma más de 20 minutos

      Check Engine Light

      Modern vehicles are equipped with an onboard computer diagnostic system (OBDII) that continuously monitors key operating systems, especially the powertrain, which includes the engine and transmission. This system’s primary role is to ensure your vehicle runs at peak efficiency while minimizing emissions. If the computer detects that any of these parameters are outside the optimal range, the CHECK ENGINE light will illuminate, alerting you to a potential issue.

      Los vehículos modernos están equipados con un sistema de diagnóstico por computadora a bordo (OBDII) que monitorea continuamente los sistemas operativos clave, especialmente el tren motriz, que incluye el motor y la transmisión. La función principal de este sistema es garantizar que su vehículo funcione con la máxima eficiencia y minimice las emisiones.

      Engine Repair

      Engine repair is a comprehensive process that involves diagnosing, troubleshooting, and fixing issues affecting a vehicle’s engine. The engine is the heart of any vehicle, converting fuel into mechanical energy to power the car. Over time, due to wear and tear, mechanical failures, or poor maintenance, an engine may experience problems that require repair.

      La reparación de motores es un proceso integral que implica diagnosticar, solucionar problemas y reparar los problemas que afectan al motor de un vehículo.

      Transmision Repair

      The transmission plays a critical role in transferring power from the engine to the wheels, enabling the vehicle to move. Depending on whether the vehicle has an automatic or manual transmission, the repair processes and components can vary, but the fundamental goal is to ensure smooth gear shifts and efficient power delivery.

      La transmisión desempeña un papel fundamental en la transferencia de potencia del motor a las ruedas, lo que permite que el vehículo se mueva.

      Drive ability problems

      Driveability problems refer to issues that affect how a vehicle runs, particularly its performance, handling, and overall driving experience. These problems often stem from malfunctioning systems like the engine, fuel, ignition, or exhaust. Common symptoms of driveability problems include rough idling, poor acceleration, stalling, misfiring, hesitation, and reduced fuel efficiency.

      Los problemas de conducción son aquellos que afectan el funcionamiento de un vehículo, en particular su rendimiento, manejo y experiencia de conducción en general.

      Electrical Problems

      Electrical problems in a car occur when the vehicle’s electrical system malfunctions, causing issues with starting, lighting, or general performance. The electrical system includes the battery, alternator, starter, fuses, wiring, and various electronic components like sensors, relays, and control modules.

      Los problemas eléctricos en un automóvil ocurren cuando el sistema eléctrico del vehículo funciona mal, lo que provoca problemas con el arranque, la iluminación o el rendimiento general. El sistema eléctrico incluye la batería, el alternador, el motor de arranque, los fusibles, el cableado y varios componentes electrónicos como sensores, relés y módulos de control.

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