Alex Auto Repair, LLC

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(859) 644-4867

Mon - Fri / Sat

09:00AM - 07:00PM / 4:30PM

Auto Repair Winchester

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      who we are

      Get auto repairs
      you can trust

      At Alex Auto Repair, LLC, we believe that all cars these days require specialized services. 
      Porque su auto necesita un servicio especializado.

      Detail-oriented and highly skilled mechanic with over 8 years of experience in automotive repair and maintenance. Proficient in diagnosing, repairing, and maintaining a wide range of vehicles, including cars, trucks, and light commercial vehicles. Expertise in engine diagnostics, brake systems, transmissions, and electrical systems. Committed to delivering high-quality service and ensuring customer satisfaction. Strong knowledge of industry tools, safety standards, and cutting-edge automotive technologies.

      years in business
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      why us

      Benefits of Alex Auto Reapir services

      Economical Pricing

      Economical car servicing and repairs. Get savings up to 45% on car servicing and repairs.

      Genuine Spare Parts

      Spare parts that are used are 100% genuine manufacture approved OEM/OES spare parts.

      12 Month Warranty

      Or 12000 miles. Get assured warranty on all the car service or repairs and spare parts.

      Professional Service

      Our dedicated, professional, and well-trained team provides the best and genuine advice on car issues.

      Have Questions? We’re here to help! (854) 644-4867
      We work with all brands.

      6 Meses de Garantía en Mano de Obra

      Join us at Alex Auto Repair in Winchester, to get the best service for you and your car. 
      Visitanos en Alex Auto Repair en Winchester para recibir el mejor servicio para tí y tu vehículo.

      All of our labor has 12 month or 12000 miles warranty

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