Alex Auto Repair, LLC

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(859) 644-4867

Mon - Fri / Sat

09:00AM - 07:00PM / 4:30PM

Auto Repair Winchester

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      Expert Car Care

      Focusing on our customers’ needs

      Committed to delivering high-quality service and ensuring customer satisfaction. Strong knowledge of industry tools, safety standards, and cutting-edge automotive technologies.

      Comprometidos con brindar un servicio de alta calidad y garantizar la satisfacción del cliente. Sólido conocimiento de las herramientas de la industria, los estándares de seguridad y las tecnologías automotrices de vanguardia.



      Exceeding customers’ expectations through superior quality and professional workmanship


      Providing quality auto repairs, efficient and effective diagnoses of problems, on-time service and maintenance

      100+ Trusted Experts
      meet our team

      Experienced mechanic

      Alex Mejía
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